Sunday, October 10, 2010

West Asiatic Architecture

                 When I heard the word architecture, at first I was so nervous and afraid of this subject.Because   consider this one of the most terrific but great course. But did we know who created this architecture , how it emerge and how it relates with our daily life.
                 In the early civilizations many people didn't know on how to create a concrete and safe shelter. They are always depending on what they see.and what things they can use. Example many of our ancestors used the trees and caves for shelter. And due to the learning that they have and achieve they started to use their creativity in order for them to survive in danger.
                 During the West Asiatic architecture  where the three main periods  were existed; the Babylonian,Assyrian and Persian period, the layouts and construction of this were influenced by the status of the people.
               -Geographical-The civilization of west asiatic architecture flourished in the plains of the two rivers which are the TIGRIS and EUPRATES.
              - Geological-
Babylonia-In this place rocks or stone is nowhere to be found and tno trees will grow. But this was suitable for the making of bricks, which became the usual building material.
Assyria- There are plenty of stones in the mountains but  but the Assyrians follow the Babylonian's style of using bricks for  building materials.
Persian-They used different materials for building their structures.They used hard colored limestone. They also known in the world for their beauty of texture and color.
They have a dry, hot climate.
Babylonians and Assyrians- They worship heavenly bodies, division of the universe and local deities.
They arrogated themselves the power of reading the stars and interpreting the will of god.They also have this system of triads:Assyrian god's grouped in triads. ANU- God of Heaven,BAAL-God of Earth,EA-God of water- THE TRIAD OF THE UNIVERSE>. The other triad SHAMASH,SIN and ISHTAR personified the bsun, the moon, and the life-giving power. In persia they are incorporated in the religion of the ZOROASTER. Fire was held by Zoroaster to be the manifestation of good and fire worship needed no temples.
         West Asiatic Architecture did many contributions to architecture.Their contributions have  marked the history. The different structures that they had made is truly something to be proud of. One of my favorite structure in that time was the hanging garden of babylon. It is so nice and definitely attractive. Well, I also admire the way they love and give honor to their kings. Like for examples the Tomb of the Darius and the Tomb of Cyrus.And although the structures are  old and some were damaged due to war it will still be a beautiful contributions of the western asia.

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